About the M-word and the N-word

Ingrid posted this over at RK:

The M-word is the equivalent of the N-word in the U.S. And it hurts when someone calls you the M-word.

Over the last few days, I’ve seen numerous postings about these two words. I think I have seen the actual N-word written more times in the last few days than I have seen in years. And I wince every time I read it.

Racial slurs are racial slurs and nothing is accomplished by continuing to use the terms. Show some sensitivity, folks.

5 thoughts on “About the M-word and the N-word

  1. James – that is OK. It’s the spelling out that is a problem.

    Insider – there is a difference between being a racist and using a racial slur. Anyone can use a racial slur, including blacks. Heck, I consider blacks who use the N-word to be using a racial slur.

  2. Well, Vivian, if that is the standard for James E. Martin… Then that should be the Standard for Senator George F. Allen… (as alledged by left wing bloggers)

    He said Macaca, does that spell out the “N” word or N***** ?

    No it doesn’t, and that gets to my point about this entire sordid affair.


    That is a double standard… James E. Martin can use the actual verbage or something thereof, but Dear Lord, let a Setting Senator get anywhere close to something being interpreted as racial, and it “Tried and Convicted Time”, by a left wing jury…. on some “Trumped Up” totally reaching attack on of all people, his Mother!!! His Mother is from French Tunisia, and she taught George Allen Racial slurs!!! His Mother!

    This is all a game of word play….

  3. Also, in regards to Mr Martin’s comment on my comments section. He has yet to provide his source for these definitions!!


    Its a racial slur used by colonists in North African Countries to refer to native populations. It is effectively the “N-Word”. Mr. Allen’s mother is from a North African colony.

    Here are the definitions for the word:
    1. ‘Macaca’ – French : racist slang; similar to English ‘nigger,’ used to describe Arabs.
    2. ‘Macaca’ – English : racist slang; similar to ‘nigger’ used to describe Arabs.
    3. ‘Macaca’ – English : racist slang; used by American white supremacists in ‘insider’ talk about African-Americans.

    The answer to this should be interesting…. I guess this was found in some standard French to English Racial Hatred Dictionary?

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