Think about your vote…or your endorsement…

Jim Hoeft over at Bearing Drift has posted his thoughts on how he will make his decision on who he will endorse in the upcoming election. Even though we are of different political persuasions, much of what he has said is how I will be making my own decision.

My primary criteria is how well a candidate represents my views. While it is unrealistic to have a representative with whom I would always agree (unless, of course, that representative was myself 🙂 ), I believe it is critical to vote for someone whose views match mine as closely as possible. Being a fiscal conservative but a social liberal, that means someone who recognizes the need to restrain unnecessary spending while realizing the need for a safety net, someone who understands that government intrusion into our lives needs to be minimal, someone who gets the Jefferson quote that is in my sidebar.

As for the amendments, I agree with what Jim said:

For Virginia constitutional amendments, my rationale is pretty simple: are they necessary?

I’ll be joining Jim for the podcast.