An Obama opinion

Check out what Skeptical Brotha has to say. Interesting, to say the least.

11 thoughts on “An Obama opinion

  1. Viv,

    Do I read him right? Is his heart ache basically that Sen Obama is not black enough and that his power comes from white people so it is no good?

    Sad, if this is the case. If the only black leader good enough for him is one elected ONLY by blacks, well mathematically that is a formula for failure since blacks do not have enough people to pull a majority vote in any one state, let alone enough to carry the electoral college.

    I will be honest, I was looking for an “uncle tom” reference in his peice and it begs the question: Who will prevent a black president? White America or Black America?

    I get angry when people say or imply things like “Well, White America feels comfortable with an Obama but are scared of a Sharpton because he threatens their power.”

    No, People are comfortable with an Obama because he is a skilled, smart leading sort of person who, so far, seems to bring people together, not apart. Folks like Sharpton actually make a living based on dividing people and ranting and raving like a lunatic.

    One should not mistake the two. I am afraid this is the first of many voices that will accuse Sen Obama of being “too white” or not black enough.

    Who sets the bar for being black enough? Sad. You know, there are a lot of southerners (I have learned this past week) who think I am not white enough.

    The framing of valuing leadership based on some sort of blackness level will only serve to prevent people from rising to power. I guess I am concerned that the “Black” issue with Obama is being raised by blacks, not whites. Ironic and sad I think. Have we come so far in America that the primary obstacles for blacks are blacks themselves? Harsh question, but I think a valid one.

    I am looking for your opinion on this. Seriously, calibrate me where I am wrong. What is your take on his post?

  2. In 1984 jesse jackson ran for president did not do so well, in 1988 jesse jackson ran again for preisdent did great really great had enough delegats to get the vice-president spot in the 88 ticket did he get it no, makes you wounder if the man from ill will get the same treatment. history has way of repeating itself alot.

  3. And really, I’m sure that many of the posters’ knowledge of what Jackson has done with his life goes so far beyond easy talking points from Hannity and whispered jokes from the 80s.

  4. Far from, Squeak. But I don’t think much of the opinion of anyone who sums up Jesse Jackson as a divider and fire starter who makes money off strife. Because that’s just ignorant.

  5. Don’t get me wrong, but the reality is that people like Jackson and Sharpton only get money and attention because there are real problems. I would LOVE for them to be unemployed.. I would love if there were not issues they felt they needed to address. I just think their approach is more harm than good and self serving. AS long as there are issues, they matter, and they know it.

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